The Challenge In Becoming A Front End Web Developer

July 6, 2018

This post is really an insight on my journey on developing myself as a front end web developer. Sometimes when you look at others who have become well known or great at a specific skill in their field you can look at yourself and think you will never get there. Plain and simple it gets hard sometimes guys. Especially when your trying to learn something new it seems like its the most difficult thing to grasp.Its the days when no one is watching and the mundane tasks you do everyday to get better is when its the hardest. Nobody sees the frustrations you go through to get one step closer to your goal.I know learning takes time because your literally pushing yourself and your mind to another level. I see it as like climbing a mountain. The new skill your trying to learn is the mountain and I'm on the side trying to make it to the top.Yet, while I'm trying to make it to the top I'm being attacked by all these elements. from the wind, weather, cold, and maybe even wild animals are beating against you. However I know what my goal is so I keep putting one foot in front of the other to get to the top.I have to ask myself sometimes "how bad do you want this? What I am I willing to do to get there?" and as Dori says "just keep swimming"In these hard moments I have to take a break and step away from the code or hop on to another project. Also in those moments I have to reflect on where I used to be. I used to not know a lick of code and now I can navigate myself around an IDE and follow along with tech conversations. I know I still have a long way to go but perspective is always good for me.So with this perspective I know in due time I will surpass this hurdle and conquer this mountain and then on to the next one.The goal has to be so real that nothing will stop you.Its always cool to think of where you can be a year from now if I am consistently developing my craft but sometimes in your daily practices is when you can have the moments where it just feels like it really SUCKS! lolHas anyone else had those moments, I know you have.However I'm trying to keep the mindset of just taking it one day at a time. What is the one thing I can do for this day and do my best. If I can just continue to stay focused with that mindset I know eventually I will build that wall with laying one brick at a time.Just lay one brick as perfectly as I can lay that brick and soon I will have a wall. Reference to will smith : ).I constantly hear consistency overtime and persistence will take you a long way and since I've decided to dedicated myself to learn the field I'm in I'm not giving up that easily. I can't through my whole life I felt I have not been consistent in one thing so I have not seen any extraordinary results so by any means necessary I'm going to continue.I will take a step back get in my corner reassess my goals, my skills, and my dreams and when that bell rings get right back in the ring fighting with full force.This post may have seemed a little personal but I felt like I needed to share because I'm still learning this thing guys and I want to get better just like anyone else but I have my days and hopefully someone can relate.I heard success is found in the habits and in the doing the things people don't want to do but just doing it anyway. So everyday in some capacity I say screw my feelings and just do it. I got to fight because my life is bigger than just right now and I believe that.I know this post was pretty short and a little different but I know for many developers like myself it can get hard at times so if your having trouble just take a break and come back at it full force. Look look for help when needed I know I do. It really is a powerful thing when with the same mindset are around because it pushes you to get better.Hopefully you will find this as some encouragement : )

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