You know as I began my journey to become a front end web developer I wasn't really sure what I was getting into. All I knew was that I wanted to learn how to build websites. Along the way I picked up a few things that I took note of and am now thinking everyday in some way to implement these tactics.Now I know there are so many things a front end web developer can do to become better and others may have their own opinion, but these were highlighted to me and from my perspective has benefited me in some way as I write the code for my projects.My goal is that when you read these tips that you are able to think about these things and how they can benefit you in some way.So lets get into it shall we.
The biggest thing I have heard in becoming a front end developer, or developers in general who code, is that the primary role of being a coder is solving problems. In every site, app, or design the primary role you are creating for is to solve a problem. Whether it be yours, a companies, or a clients'.The more you are able to solve someones problem, either large or small, you improve somebodies ability to work, their business, or lifestyle.This is great for you because you have now made yourself valuable wherever you go because wherever you may go you are a problem solver. Your able to face any challenge with confidence because of you're resourcefulness.This is a great attribute to have regardless if you are a coder or not, it is transferable in any field you enter.
The second thing that I have experienced in code design or web design is UX Design. A term that seems to be picking up a lot of steam in these past few years.Now I won't claim I am an expert in this arena, as I regularly express in my posts and projects, but just like you I'm learning what I can and implementing processes to improve my designs.So to get back on topic what UX Design simple means is how do you design your sites with the users in mind. Are visitors able to navigate through the site easily or get to what there looking for with no headache or frustration.One thing I hear regularly from podcasts, senior developers and UX Designers are that coders are not usually thinking of the user in mind, but more of the code since that is their world and they want to stay in their lane.Now that you know this though you can have a leg up on other developers if your actually thinking of users in mind when you code.hint hint another way for you to make yourself valuable.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you here this term? Most likely it's S.E.O..Even though that is apart of it optimization is it's own beast in itself. It's not really a beast but it is vital in the enhancement of your site.If we had to summarize what optimization is in one word I would sum it up with...Performance.How does your site perform? How fast is it? Optimization can have many tails to it but everything that tail is connected to connects to one body.The biggest thing that slows down performance of your site, especially when developing your own is file size. How many pages does your site consist of, how big are your images?The biggest question to ask yourself when creating your websites and web apps is "is this the best way I could write this code or optimize these images.Remember google is your friend, if you get stuck on how to approach optimizing your code or images for your site. Which leads to my next highly effective habit.
There is a book that is written for coders, which is on my reading list as well, called "Clean Code". The synopsis of the book is how we as developers can write clean efficient code in a way that simply makes sense. From naming conventions to even writing coding with the reduction of comments explaining what every piece of code is written for.Moreover, it gives a guideline that how writing less code makes it easier for optimization which reduces file size as well.You know as I'm writing this I'm only recommending this based on reviews I heard from John Sonmez. It sound so good that I need to pick up this book ASAP myself to improve my skills more.
Oh the Dev Tools. The Chrome Developer tool should be your best friend. I know it has become mine for sure. The chrome dev tools were made specifically for developers to find bugs whether in your javascript file or testing the css of the site.If you haven't explored the capabilities of what the dev tools has to offer I recommend you take some time to explore the possibilities of what it can do for you.A few examples of what the dev tool can do is help test your sites responsive breakpoints and design. Have you ever seen an inconsistency in your design? Well with the dev tools you can actually select that specific element and see what is causing the issue. This has saved my tail many times when I've been designing for clients and mobile devices.Did I mention the console in the dev tools is amazing! If your site utilizes javascript the console will detect any errors and specify exactly which line the error is found which gives you as the developer an easier process to debug the issue.As I said before if the chrome dev tools is not your best friend you need to get to know it and intimately lol.
If you are living in this world and are up to date in what's going on in the world you know that the world is constantly growing and tech is no different. Just in the few years the number of technology has grown so significantly is somewhat ridiculous and scary.The question is how do you keep up with this ever evolving tech. Especially if your just getting started in your development journey how do you know whether to keep up with the new tech or if it was just a trend that eventually will die off.The answer is you don't. I know this sounds contradictory but just hear me out. The best answer is that you become adaptable. Let me explain what I mean and an approach that will be more beneficial to your growth process.First I would suggest that you choose one programming language, say like javascript, and you hone your skills and become proficient in this language. What this will do is give you the ability to understand the foundation and fundamentals of computer programming and to think like a coder.Once your able to think like a coder and have learned how to solve problems, habit number 1, you are able to look into other languages or frameworks, which mostly the other tech that comes out what I see, you are able to adapt to using the new tech to solve the specific problem your dealing with.
Last but not least is Grit. This habit is probably my favorite of them all. Grit can be defined as the ability to push pass the threshold of comfortability of attaining a goal and continued growth.Let's face it, learning how to code is not easy. It takes a lot of brain power, restless nights, and determination and grit to figure out what may be causing your site to break.Side note the greatest feeling for a developer is when you figure out what the problem is that caused your site to have issues. If you have experienced this congratulations you are a coder.Some confuse grit as passion but its actually quite different. Angela Duckworth gives a great description from her book "Grit" which has become one of my favorite books as "Grit is falling in love and staying in love". I think this is a great analogy because passion is what people usually refer to when it comes to finding what you love or passionate about and going after it.If you ever been in a relationship you know it requires work to keep the love fresh for that initial puppy love phase is going to die, but what are your going to do to keep it alive.I'll just give an example from my journey in starting to become a front end web developer. I never picked this up because I was passionate about it. I chose this path because I wanted to commit to something in my life for at least one year with total focus.It was only through the process of learning and developing the skills required to learning how to code is when I found that I have a "passion" for this thing. Now all I am doing is constantly adding fuel to the fire to keep it a blaze.Definitly a book I would recommend for those who want to understand grit and how to develop a mindset for grit. You can find a link to the book in my Goodies section of my web site : ).So there you have it the 7 highly effective habits of a front end web developer. Again this is all from my perspective. I hope you can find some good insight from this and some techniques that you can apply to your development journey as I am.