Do I Need To Learn Code To Create A Website?

May 28, 2018

You know nowadays many people ask the question, How can I build a website? This question can create many complex solutions because when you hear anything with technology or the web it can seem intimidating, especially if your not aware of how simple it is to make a website today.Even with the amount of advertisements and information out there about platforms that make it easier for the average joe to make their own site. And although some are not the best, it doesn't negate the fact that it hasn't been easier to make an online presence for you or your business.As a developer who has been on both sides of the spectrum, a designer then a developer, I will explore both sides and point to some valuable resources for those who may want to take on this endeavor for themselves and learn some of the ins and out of web development.

Do I Need To Learn Code?

I think one thing tho breakdown before we really get into the meat of this subject is the term web development.So What Is Web Development?I know the first thing that can come to mind especially if you have been online and seen this term flying around is someone who is a coder like myself.For example I am a front end web developer and I write the code to how your website will look like when a visitor comes to your site.But if we think about the word development that can have a broad range of definitions. I think we can look at web development as building a site online. This can include designers and even do it yourselfers (if that is even a word lol).I know I may get a lot of slack from the coding community since development relates to developers, but hear me out as a developer.If your building out a site aren't you developing it to customize it to your needs. Just some food for thought.So if you don't know code and your building a website with a platform and you want to feel a little special you can say your a "developer" if your built your own site.Of course to be on the next level of the developers council it is time to learn some code young grasshopper.Now that we defined web development in its most generic terms lets get into the world of developers.There are so many languages that you can learn for the development of your website like javascript, php, or ruby. Let's not forget the frameworks and libraries like bootstrap, angular, and react that can be a developers best friend. But in reality to create a simple great functional site you only need 3 main languages, and with the changes and updates to HTML5 and CSS 3 you can really build it off these 2 languages.But if you wanted to create your own website from scratch with user interactivity. It's good to have these 3 languages under your belt: HTML, CSS, and Javascript. These 3 languages are the core foundation to creating a great website. Especially if you want to develop a website from the ground up.But the question is... do you need to learn it?

In Short...NO.

Because of the internet, there are so many platforms and open source software that allow users to create their own website themselves without knowing a lick of code.For example, Wordpress has changed the game for anyone to create a website themselves without the need of a designer or a developer. Does that make you cry a little inside developers (it shouldn't, we are still needed by many in todays market.)Now sites like Wordpress has given the ability to making a website yourself easier for everyone to have access to creating an online presence. Even though this is phenomenal, it doesn't mean your a master or you are using the platform to its full capabilities.Calling all the experts.This is where developers and designers come into play. Even though code is not needed, an an expert with experience can help to add and enhance the user experience for visitors to your site.Although developers play a role in creating themes for Wordpress sites and blogs for you to make your site, what if you saw a specific feature on another site that you liked but its not on the theme you already purchased. What are you gonna do, buy that other theme?No, a simple solution is to hire a front end developer or a Wordpress developer who can customize the theme or template to what you desire.You see a developer can fully customize a site for you and can give you even more of a professional look while improving performance. Someone with more experience with web development can improve your sites experience while giving you less of a headache so you can place your thoughts on other priorities you might have.So lets recap.Do you need a developer to create a website?No, you are more than capable with platforms like Wordpress to fully create a website yourself. Go all in, pick from a theme from sites like and go crazySource: Themeforest themesLets say you want to go the route of actually learning the code yourself, there are great resources out there to help you learn. It take as long as it takes you to learn, but if you want to build your site within the next week or two, meaning fast so you can get started, then I would suggest Wordpress to get started. You can even become a Wordpress developer if thats the route you want to go.A resource that I've used and still use till this day is treehouse. They have great content with many activities and videos to learn the skills to become the next master web developer.Source: TeamTreehouseI think that sums up about it. If you got a web project you want to get started don't hesitate and go with Wordpress. Although before you get started just know you will need to get hosting.

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