Coding As A Beginner

February 28, 2018

Today is just a post on some advice from my experience. As I'm learning to code as a Front End Web Developer, hopefully this can help someone who is just starting out. First thing I'm going to say is...

Take Your Time.

Now when I say take your time I don't mean it has to be years before you learn HTML or CSS. No, when learning code I believe it only takes as much of your time you put in to studying and doing the practices. Do this until your comfortable and have a firm grasp of the content and subject. For me what I did was learned what the language was how it worked and when I thought I understood it to do it on my own I felt stumped. I realized I knew how it worked but wasn't sure were to begin when creating and adding something like my css styles to my HTML file. Meaning I didn't know what was step one to adding style to my page, rather which style to what element. Which leads me to my second point

Have A Reference Guide.

It is good to know your material but sometimes we all forget. Sometimes it's the property or function required to call that element or function you want to use. Realizing this I decided to create a starter reference point for myself based on sites I would like to create. 1. A standard reference point for all websites and 2. A structure point reference how I would like to set my custom sites. I knowfor me the first reference will be my go to until I master the basics like it's a habit. Books are always a good reference point as well. The third point will be...

Practice, Practice, Practice

As I said in my first point, I thought I understood what I was doing, but in reality I merely understood the big picture. I overlooked the practical side to coding. If you want to get good at your coding skills the only way is do it. Try the code examples whatever resource your learning from. Try it, play around with it and challenge yourself to begin thinking like a coder. There are many resources and youtube videos that provide projects you can follow and work on. Don't be ashamed because your just beginning but embrace the basics until your able to get to the advanced. The advanced codes really are built on the building blocks of the basics, so if you can get the basics you have already won. You had to learn how to walk before you ran right, so same concept. Master your walking skills and begin to run one step at a time.So thats whats I have learned and still learning as a Front End Web Developer.

  1. Take your time
  2. have a reference guide
  3. Practice, practice practice.

I believe if you do these these three things you will have a good practical understanding to Front End Web Development or any coding language you are trying to learn.

When your ready here's how I can help

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