I can’t believe it. I don’t think I will ever forget this day January 6 2025.
The day I finally discovered what exactly it is I do.
Really its not what I do but how I was finally able to describe the category or niche I am.
I’ve always had trouble placing myself in a box and associating myself with one specific niche, people, or group. It has always been difficult because I like to do a lot of things and whatever I find interesting I want to learn how to do it.
I consider myself an anomaly, something that is different, not normal. (never thought I would understand what that means)
That’s why it felt so hard to pick one thing and stick to it because I could move on to something else once I felt satisfied with what I’ve done.
But today it finally clicked.
It seems like the light bulb finally turned on and I can see how all the dots connect and how everything I’ve done in my life fit in this one box.
I can proudly say I am a PROBLEM SOLVER.
I’ll explain how and why but I think you need to understand how I came to this conclusion and with this revelation how I feel like I have a grasp on what I want to do, how I can do it, and what I should do.
I think it will help if you ever felt lost in know what to do with life or business
How I found my niche
In short, when you know what you do and “who you are” you can then create a vision and from that vision you can create a plan and execute it daily. Then you won’t feel like a useless human being who is wasting life.
It all really started with me wanting to create a business. I’ve looked at so many options and paths that I could have taken but none of them sat right with me.
I stumbled onto one model that really intrigued me called the One Person Business.
I understood the concept and how it worked. But, at the end of the day when I laid in bed not able to sleep and dreading the fact that the day is going to start over. It seemed everything I did was pointless.
I kept asking myself, “what progress did I make today”.
It felt as my work was meaningless and it didn’t have ME in it.
If the model of the one person business circles around you being the niche and the product is a result of your own problems why did every action feel like it was missing something.
Yet I still kept going despite me hating myself and wanting more for what I was creating.
I wasn’t looking for my passion, but what I think is peace.
I have no trouble putting in long hours and doing the work but I have to know whats the point. Why am I doing this and is it something that I want to do?
More importantly I don’t want to pretend to be something I’m not.
I hate experiencing that when I see businesses, tutorials, instructors, or whatever and what they create is trash. I think it’s best to define what I think is trash.
Trash is anything that gives a horrible experience to the user, that could be a bad product, tutorial, or website. At the end of the day did you THINK about how someone would use this.
My whole goal in anything I do is to not be trash. In other words, be the best I can be and give others the best experience they can have when they come in contact with anything I created.
I guess in all my efforts I felt fake and inauthentic.
But not anymore.
It’s strange how I found peace in this whole idea…
but I have.
You see I really want to build a business, not just for the money but because something inside me doesn’t sit well working for someone else for the rest of my life. SO I have been on a mission to find the path that I can carve out for myself.
I finally feel like I got to a point where I just said I want to make 100k and want to break my own belief and do it as fast as I can (in 3 months).
I was getting desperate and was getting ready to run ads to a product to test and see if I could make it work.
Yet I felt like I was getting TOO desperate and was just gonna throw a product out there. I pushed pause and thought about it.
I know I could do this but was this the best route.
I been studying other entrepreneurs and I understand things take time. Its not like I’m not proud of my product because it was literally birthed from a personal problem I had, and I think it can help others.
(if you want to see what I’m talking about its the landing page blueprint where you learn how to write for a landing page if you don’t know the first thing about writing)
But I still wasn’t settled in my soul.
I stopped and decided to take a try at it the next day.
I know this is long but we are coming to the good part.
The next day as I was going to work and I decided to listen to this video I saw the night before. It came up on my feed awhile ago but it showed up again and I decided to listen to it once more.
I don’t know what it was that morning because I’ve heard these concepts before from many sources. but that day seemed to be the day the heavens decided to open up and the spirit of wisdom decided to bless me with some guidance and peace. Peace for something that I have been searching for years.
I once heard it said “a man is not ready to learn until he is ready” and it seems like today was my day.
In fact, since I got the revelation from early that morning I’ve been having ideas left and right and ways I can improve my work, my site and everything I do.
This post is a result of the inspiration I received from it and I can’t stop writing.
I wanted a way to keep a record of what I’m feeling and how I can encourage myself and hopefully others to keep moving forward.
The insight that I finally understood today was…
build around your skills
In other words, what comes natural to you.
It sounds so simple but I’ll explain.
I heard once that truth is usually simple but I know in the bible it says he who has ears let him hear. It felt like the scales finally fell from my eyes and I can see clearly now.
Ok so on to my niche.
You see I thought I liked to learn and although that is true I still felt that wasn’t the thing that explained me properly. Learning made me feel like I was just a researcher and while I was trying to develop myself, like my writing skills, I didn’t see that as my end goal. I didn’t feel at peace and at the end of the day I didn’t feel productive
But I know I like to figure things out and solve problems but that could come in many forms.
Remember that video I was watching on how to create a business, when this idea of build around your skills came up he mentioned you need to validate that this is a valuable idea.
So I did.
How to validate an idea and your skills
When you want to validate an idea and see if others are selling and people are buying there’s a simple hack to see if there are courses built around it.
Simply go to Google type in the thing (interest) you want to do and type course after it.
ex: problem solving course
You will then get search results of others who have created one.
More than likely someone has done what you would like to do (especially in this digital age that we live in now).
I’ve done this before but I don’t know how to explain it but it seemed to make sense this time.
When I searched problem solving course and found validation that there are businesses built around this idea its as if my limiters broke and I became limitless.
I started to think this could be true and it stems from my engineering background.
Ever since I was a kid I loved to learn how things work and I would reverse engineer whatever I saw as a challenge and then I would try to replicate it.
Problem solving spoke to me the most because it captures the 2 things I like to do: learn and build, usually something physical.
If I can’t go back and admire what I’ve done at the end of the day I feel like I wasn’t productive.
Even though you can go back and read the work you did that didn’t feel good to me.
But when I put writing in the perspective of problem solving it has more purpose. You see I didn’t want to learn to write to be “a good writer” but writing is apart of a problem I have.
Writing is a problem that if I solve I can communicate better with readers and build an audience, which over time, I can share products I’ve made that can help them (free or paid).
So my core desire (right now) is I want to solve the problem of writing.
I’m trying to figure out how it works and then create a system I can replicate.
It’s not about being the best writer but knowing how I can learn to be the best through processes and systems that I found in my research and investigation.
Then that can be applied to anything I want to learn.
With that it makes it easier for me to come up with content ideas, questions, blog posts, newsletters, and just about anything that catches my interest because…
I am generally interested in how it works.
I’m a problem solver and so are you.
Whenever there is something that you want to learn or do you have a problem you want to solve.
“Everything in life is a problem to solve” – Brian Tracy
What I’ve learned
I’m 36 years old when I finally learned how to describe what I do.
If you ever felt stuck and lost of what you do and don’t quite fit in categories a lot of people identify with I can honestly say it’s ok.
I won’t lie and act like it doesn’t suck because getting older and feeling lost and purposeless is the worst feeling when you go to bed.
But if you have this gut feeling inside you that tells you to keep going listen to it. Don’t stop researching, testing, and experimenting with everything in your power. if you fall get back up and keep going.
“A man who thinks he can and a man who thinks he can’t are both usually right”
The most important thing anyone can find is peace of mind and when you find it hold on to it and claim it as your own.
That’s all for this one,