I still remember the first time I wanted to learn to code, and if it was possible to learn how to code for free.
It was a couple of months after I started doing some web design work for some clients and they were asking me to change somethings on their website…
When frankly I did not know how : (.
Granted I was just getting started in the world of web and the only things I knew how to do was download a theme and put some images up along with some content…
but even that I was doing wrong.
I was trying to do everything from the perspective of a designer and create a graphic design and upload it.
For the record that doesn’t work if you’re trying to optimize your site for mobility and responsive design.
If you’re going to use a theme use it to its ability and don’t try to put content on an image and then use it.
Ahhh my humble beginnings as a newbie.
I was getting frustrated with my limitations and what I could do with a website.
That’s what led me to learning how to make a website.
I still remember typing into google those simple words “how to make a website from scratch” and thus my journey into the world of coding began.
I learned about HTML, CSS, Javascript, and even PHP.
But with all that information out there, from coding books, to courses, and everything else, I didn’t know where really to begin and how to get started.
Which is why I created this post.
I wanted to create a resource for others who might be looking where to get started and most importantly…
how to learn coding for free.
With many late hours of researching and writing to put this comprehensive list together I present to you…
100+ Sites To Learn How To Code For Free.
Table of Contents
- Free Coding Websites and Blogs
- Youtube Channels
- Courses
- Javascript
- Frameworks and libraries
- Mobile App Development
- Ruby on Rails
- Python
- WordPress
- UI/UX Design
- Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Cybersecurity
- GitHub & Command Line
Free Coding Websites and Blogs
1. Codecademy
The one and only codeacademy.
If you’re just learning to code this site is like the right of passage for a coder.
I think every coder and developer has got their start here at some point and time.
Not sure where to begin, no worries take their beginner quiz and find out which kind of programmer you might like to become.
The site has come a long way since I got started here.
Their basic interactive lessons are a great place to getting started for any developer.
If you really enjoy their platform they do offer a paid program, but it is optional.
2. Freecode Camp
Ok when you first enter this site you might be thrown off by the look of it, but don’t let the design of the site throw you off.
It actually reminds me of the old school video games like when Super Mario first came out and they were simple block images.
In fact, it kind of gives you the feel that the site was designed by a developer and did not focus on the CSS but just the content of it, or the HTML.
Don’t know what that means?
Don’t worry free code camp will teach you what coding languages they are and they will even help you to get certified, so you can develop job ready skills to prepare you for a future you can be proud of.
I might need to go back and take these courses so I can be certified myself.
3. w3schools
Now w3schools gets so much love from me because I was probably on this site everyday and still am…
What am I saying?
When I found this site I couldn’t even believe a site like this even existed when I was just getting started.
When I first started using this site I was trying to learn how to add specific elements to my projects and they provided a great source of simple tutorials of almost anything your looking for.
I see it like your standard basic tutorials for anything web related.
What I mean by that is if you want to know how to make a standard dropdown navigation menu they have it.
Or if you want to know how to add an event listener to a button, they show and explain it plain and simple how you can create it.
It’s even interactive so you can play around and test it for yourself to see how it works.
Its amazing.

I think this place is great because they teach your basic coding languages HTML, CSS, and Javascript and they even off certification as well so after you take their courses you can test yourself for $100 bulks.
One of my favorite places to get started.
4. Edx
If you always wanted a chance to say you got an education from MIT or Harvard now is your chance.
These schools decided to create an educational platform and make it available to those wanting to learn how to code as well as other subjects.
If you were interested in something like learning another language for example Spanish, or even engineering.
EDX goal is to provide and create an open source platform for free education.
It’s pretty cool because now you can learn topics you may have thought that wasn’t available without a college education.
5. Codewars
Calling all challengers!!!!
If you’re more of the competitive type you might like this platform.
With the many coding languages to choose from you can improve your skills by working on tests that they give you.
The platform is built around an asian theme called kata and each time you complete a challenge you move up in the ranks and gain honor.
I will say this will challenge you and your coding knowledge so if your up for the challenge then go for it, but if you want to do better with these challenges I would suggest you learn the language your trying to learn first.
If not you might get frustrated trying to understand the challenges and questions.
The good thing is you can test your knowledge before you even sign up.
6. Code Conquest
These guys are smart.
If you are looking for a guide where to begin and where to end, or really continue growing, code conquest is where you can start your journey for you to conquer your code.
Did you see what I did there lol, ok I’m done.
But seriously as soon as you enter onto there website they have already started you on your journey by addressing the fact you want to get started coding.
And then they answer the questions you will most likely have as a beginner along with resources.
I gotta give these guys props because they not only teach you how to code for free, but they did a great job on how they strategically designed the website with specific principles with you as the coder.
7. GA Dash
The GA in the word stands for “General Assembly” and they offer a simple course to give you a basic introduction into the world of web development.
With a mission to offer training for people looking to make a career transitions their coding course is a great choice for a good place to start.
Learn to build websites with a visually guided step by step project basis.
Simple and effective.
I know from my experience with working with GA in the past they strive for professionalism in and outside of the classroom so I expect great teaching on the basics of web development.
8. The Odin Project
Do you want to learn how to be a full stack developer?
Which entails HTML, CSS, Javascript, Git, databases and more.
Well now you can get started with the odin project free fullstack course.
As you can see it’s a lot of information to take in and knowing where to start can be confusing but…
They guide you on which languages and topics you should learn first as you make your way becoming a web developer.
I wish I knew about this website when I first got started learning the world of web, things probably would have been much easier.
I feel like I’m going to start my journey over with just some of these websites.
9. Sololearn
Do you know what you want to learn…
Python, Java, Javascript, C#, or how bout Data science?
Well which ever programming language you want to tackle they have a course for you to start learning in bite size pieces.
Did I mention it’s mobile friendly so if you’re on the road and you want to learn some coding sololearn is there for you.
They even have a section similar to code pen and you can see the work of others coded projects.
10. The Code Player
If you like videos or watching others code, then this is the place to go.
It’s actually pretty cool how this site is setup.
They present a bunch of tutorials, be mindful it’s random so there’s not much real structure to it, but if you click on one of the projects…
Which for me it took a long time to load*
but once it does you have the option of viewing the code or watching the walkthrough video.
It’s pretty cool because if you ever watched a speed drawing on youtube or a time lapse video it’s similar to that.
You get to see the code being written out almost like in realtime and you can see the changes taking affect as it is being written.
I think it’s cool because if you want to see what the code does what then watching the design side by side to the code makes it really interesting to watch code.
11. Bento.io
In japan a bento box usually refers to a portioned out boxed meal.
As you enter to bento.io, besides getting the feel of a google homepage background you can see how they live up to their name.
They have created this platform in a nice neatly packaged container to help guide you down the road to learn how to code for free.
Beginning with HTML and ending with SQL, learn coding with their packed loaded resources.
12. Code.org
If you ever wondered where code began then it’s here.
No not really I’m joking but there are one of the largest organizations teaching millions how to code.
If you don’t believe me just check out there home page.
Best part about it is…
It’s all free.
What’s cool too is that they start from kindergarten all the way to beyond 12th grade.
In other words, no matter what age you are you can learn how to code.
13. Scotch.io
So with this site there is not one single track to learn web development but you have many options to choose from.
From javascript to react or angular, whatever topic you feel you want to tackle first make your choice.
There is a get started section where they have many courses filled with lessons to get started.
14. Hackr.io
If you thought scotch.io had choices then you’ll be met with a wall full of web development topics you can choose from.
Even though it’s not a platform that teaches how to code per se it is a massive resource for where you can go to learn to code.
So bookmark this site if you want to find the ultimate source for web development.
15. Coderbyte
Do you like challenges?
Then you might enjoy what coderbyte has to offer with over 300+ challenges ranging from easy to hard.
You can even filter by the language your looking to study.
Pretty cool right?
Well there’s more.
They even offer tech prep for coding interviews so you can learn how to code and be ready for the coding job.
16. Marksheet.io

First impression with this website is simply beautiful design.
The site was created by a guy named Jeremy Thomas and offers the basics of learning HTML and CSS for free.
The site is beautifully laid out and gets right to the meat and potatoes.
Scroll down and you will see the lessons he teaches on HTML and CSS, the basics of web development.
There is even a book if you want to dive a little deeper if you enjoy his teaching.
I really enjoy how this site is laid out as you can enjoy the aesthetics while you learn.
I think I’ve been inspired to create a site like this one.
17. Mozilla Developer Network
Ok so the MDN is what I like to call the web developers manual.
When I first encountered it I thought it was a little dense.
That was probably because I had no idea of what I was doing or where to begin and was just reading random topics that I wasn’t quite ready for.
However, if its one thing I have learned through my experience over the years is that no one reads the manual.
Just doing this alone can put you at a competetive edge.
I learned that from Mark Cuban from his book “winning at the sport of business”.
Therefore if you want to take this free resource for what it is don’t do what I did and start at the beginning and build your way up.
If you navigate through the site you can see they have beginner friendly material so you can confidently build your skills up.
18. Node School

Do you want to learn what node is?
I do.
That’s the next thing I want to tackle on my list of mastering javascript.
But if you want to jump into it right away the the node school has got you covered.
Learn the basics of javascript or move on to learn the basics of node and even building a functional app in node.
The great thing is these tutorials are self guided.
What that means is they created it in a way to teach yourself, but if you do need some help they offer workshops to help beginners like you and me get through this world of code.
19. Watch and Code
So watch and code are for those seriously focused coders, I mean how could yuo not be when learning to code.
But the creator states his goal as soon as you enter the site.
Watch and Code is a paid membership site, but they offer a free course on the introduction to programming (javascript that is).
After you finish the basics you can move into their premium course…
If you like.
20. Web Fundamentals
Did you know that Google teaches web development?
Who better than to go to the source where almost everything we do deals with.
If google is the largest online search engine then I think they are entitled to teach how to create a great web experience.
With web fundamentals they offer what they call code labs which are tutorials to walk you through small projects to learn coding.
Follow along with their simple guides or hands on tutorials and get started creating a website today and a better web experience.
21. Bit Degree

If you like playing games then this site has gamified learning how to code fun and interactive.
Not sure where to start take their quiz and they will guide you to the best option that fits you based on your responses.
What’s cool is they don’t only offer web development courses but other courses as well.
If you’re looking to increase your skills to prepare yourself for the job market then check out the hundreds of courses they have to offer.
22. Code Avengers
Welcome to code avengers.
The first thing that they do is section off the different levels or age groups to classify what kind of material you should be learning.
The sections are categorized into 3 channels
- JR– beginner kids from the ages 5-14
- Teach– teachers looking to teach students
- Pro– this is geared for those 15+ and up wanting to learn
If you click on the create path you will be given a few options.
If you’re not sure what you want to do they even offer a small 15 min project to let you get a feel of what you would learn.
You can learn how to build an app, website or a game and then make your decision from there.
It’s a pretty cool layout to help beginners get started coding.
23. After Hours Programming
After hours is a site that is on a mission.
They’re not only out to teach you web development but other web related content.
They want to introduce you into the world of programming and how the world around us is affected by code and how you too can be apart of it.
However, they do offer a ton of tutorials on various topics so you have a great selection to choose from like information architecture.
24. Codeasy.net
I don’t know much about programming with C#, but if your the person who wants to learn how C# works and get started with it then…
Codeasy is your destination.
Learn how to code in C# with captivating storytelling.
One of the best ways to learn any material.
Start at the elementary level and advance at your own pace.
If you think C# is a program that interests you then go for it.
25. Codesignal
Once known as code fights, code signal is now a platform that helps new developers gain new skills in web development as well as prep them for the tech industry with resources and things such as interview prep.
26. Plural sight
This sight is a platform that is an in-depth course that will teach you an abundance of tech skills and not just web development technologies.
To receive the full benefits of this platform it is a paid subscription but you can test it out for free for 10 days and cancel if you don’t like it.
27. Launch School Open Bookshelf
Alright if reading is your thing then be prepared to read a lot. This site offers free books on different web technologies that you can learn from their online books.
Just click on the book and start reading and gaining new developer skills and knowledge.
It looks like they offer courses as well but you can easily get started with the books before you make any commitments.
Free Coding Blogs
This next section is dedicated to those developers who have created blogs to share their knowledge and expertise to help aspiring developers just like you and I.
28. Learn To Code With Me
This is one of my favorite blogs.
In fact, I began learning all about coding and the job market from her and it even inspired me to continue creating this blog.
Laurence Bradford has an amazing podcast as well if you want to learn more about the industry and others experiences being a developer.
You will really learn how coding can not only change your life, but how it has changed the life of others as well.
29. David Walsh
If your learning web development then you’re eventually going to run into javascript and although it may be one of the easiest programming languages to learn it’s not easy when you first come across it.
Well David Walsh has created this blog all about javascript and calls himself the javascript consultant.
I just discovered this blog myself but from the looks of it he has been in the game for a while and has plenty of content on the subject.
So if your into blogs and catching up on your reading then check out his blog.
30. Sitepoint
Sitepoint is a website that is dedicated to HTML, CSS, and Javascript and offers a library of different resources, courses, and videos to watch for learning web development.
They do offer a premium service which runs at about $9/month but you can access their books (library) for FREE and brush up on some new technology.
Along with some videos on web development and tech talks. Some vids you will be only able to see snippets and you will need the premium service to access the full course.
But get started with some of the free resources and you will be in a good position.
31. Envato Tuts+
Ok so before I even got into web development I would use this site for all my design tutorials.
A great place full of many resources to help breakdown and teach you design skills as well as development skills.
You can even buy themes and templates for any other projects you may be working on from their partner sites.
32. A List Apart
So this blog may not teach you exactly how to develop a website but it will talk about the development of websites.
In the world of web development and design it is always important to be aware how code and the world wide web can effect us and everyone around us.
Even just reading about code helps to prepare you as a developer and become more knowledgeable, which also can help to position yourself as an expert in your field.
33. CSS-Tricks
Ok so here is another site that I am well aware of.
I discovered this one when I came across any troubles when building my sites, and trust me I had a lot of questions.
The great thing is this site always came up when I ever I had a question, especially with CSS, hence the name.
Chris Coyier has been writing for this blog well over 8 years as a developer so I think he knows what he is talking about.
He is also the co creator of the website codepen, where you can learn and play around with code. You can even learn from other developers and seeing their code.
It’s pretty cool and I go their pretty often for inspiration
Youtube Channels
On to the youtube channels.
Nowadays its like we use youtube for everything especially for learning almost any subject we need help with.
Therefore I had to include a few channels to help learn web development.
Some I have personally used and some I have found on my search for good content or highly recommended by others.
34. LearnCode.academy
So think of this channel as your basic road map to web development.
No they literally have a diagram to help guide you in your web development journey.
Furthermore they have a ton of playlists that you can choose from.
So just pick a topic your interested in and start watching.
35. Thenewboston
These guys are really serious about their computers.
This channel here is not only dedicated to web development or iOS development but almost everything computer related.
From backend to front end development they even have playlist on learning a little adobe photoshop so if you need some quick design touchups you want to do yourself then check it.
There are even a few random videos to mix things up in there.
36. Derek Banas
Can you admire a guy who is dedicated to learning?
Dereck Banas channel is based on creating videos on almost any topic you request, which includes…
Web Development.
But don’t let that stop you, he also has videos on linear algebra and even recipes.
So if your feeling a little famished from all the coding you can view one of his recipes and make a quick meal to refuel or do some algebra to kill the time.
37. Programming Knowledge
Another huge channel dedicated to sharing the knowledge or web development and programming.
They also include some design tutorials, excel sheets tuts and even programs I never heard of before.
Who knew there were so many resources available for learning this world wide web.
38. Level Up Tuts
I discovered Scott Tolinski’s channel at least 3 years ago now when I was listening to his podcast “syntax” along with his cohost Wes Bos.
Two guys who are in my opinion killin the game, at least in my world.
When I first heard about his youtube channel he was teaching primarily about react and I knew I was going to be watching him when I wanted to learn about the javascript framework react.
He has other topics as well realated to web development and simple beginner friendly videos on creating websites wth wordpress.
So this is another channel I would definitely check out.
I’m a big fan of his so check out his podcast as well if you’re looking for some good dev stuff to listen to.
Free Coding Courses
Alright so on to free courses.
Sometimes courses are the best way to learn how to code and a course is organized with everything you need to get started from the basics to the advanced techniques.
This takes the thinking out for you and you can focus solely on learning how to code.
Some of these courses are free for the initial lessons and if you would like to continue they do offer a premium course.
My personal favorite that I uses personally is team treehouse. It was one of the best online courses I’ve taken to begin learning code.
39. Coursera
So Coursera is a platform where you can learn tons of coding skills from Java all the way to Linux.
They even offer courses on business, social science, and data science.
but were focusing on coding and programming.
According to class central you can sign up for Coursera for free without needing to sign up for any premium services if you’re not trying to get a certificate.
This site is dedicated to students and universities but you can still signup and learn amazing coding skills.
40. Mit Opencourse
When I discovered this site I was super surprised that MIT offered these types of programs.
MIT created this platform to help teach individuals different skills for personal development, especially career skills.
From what I researched they don’t offer all programming languages but they do offer some programs such as python that you can get your feet wet.
But if you are interested in other courses then be sure to check them out.
41. Udacity
I have heard about this site many times before during my study times when listening to coding podcasts and Udacity has come up.
They offer plenty of resources and courses depending on which language you desire to learn.
You can even boost your career with their career prep course section. I know I needed some help when I first started prepping for a new job.
42. Udemy
Here is another online course platform that kept coming up on the radar whenever I would listen to my coding podcasts.
A lot of people would mention learning web development from Udemy due to the vast resources of courses they have.
The cool thing is they offer more courses then just web development, but also topics such as photography, music, and business.
It may look like you have to pay for the majority of the full courses but you can filter through the site and find their free content and get started there.
43. Upskill
Another premium code teaching platform but most of these platforms offer a free option and Upskill offers up to 200 lessons for free.
Check out Upskill and see if their teaching style is for you and get started coding.
44. Microsoft Virtual Academy
With as much technology out there to learn from, everyone wants to learn their specific language and Microsoft offers courses specific to their own platform.
You can learn about azure, cloud computing, virtual studios, and github.
It’s not filled with your normal web development languages such as javascript, python, or java but they do offer free lessons on data science, DevOps, and data analyst.
You can filter through their roles and products to learn from and get started developing your career in the tech world.
45. Edabit
Edabit takes a different approach when it comes to learning a language.
It is said the best way of learning a language is by immersion and Edabit offers a fun and interactive way of learning to code with games.
So if you like games and challenges then check out Edabit.
46. Khan Academy
When I first discovered Khan Academy I was in high school trying to figure out my calculus homework.
Now they offer courses and resources on how to code.
How they have grown so much over the years. I wish I had something like this when I was younger I might have studied it a little more if I had known.
I guess that is why I want to pass on this type of knowledge.
47. Classpert
So not only is it a platform where you can learn some introductory level to computer programming but you can also compare courses from other teaching platforms.
Find out what they offer, the price, and even preview the course work.
I think of this as the expedia to online courses.
It doesn’t really look like a structured platform so you might have to do a little digging to get what you want or know which programming language you want to study.
Now if you want to learn web development then you need to know the basics or the foundation.
This means understanding the structure, importance, and roles of HTML and CSS.
These next suggestions are other resources that are dedicated to learning HTML or CSS.
Don’t be fooled you can do a lot with just knowing how to make websites with HTML and CSS so its always good to learn.
48. HTML Dog
HTML dog keeps it simple and brings you the most basic languages you need to learn web development.
Explore the site and start with the simple tutorials to learn your way to becoming a front end web developer.
49. Learn-html.org
Even thought the site says learn html they do offer tutorials on other coding languages, but remaining true to their name they have a section dedicated to learning HTML and CSS.
Get started reading up and learning web development today.
50. Csstutorial.net
Do you want to learn how to design a website?
Did you know that CSS is the way to make a website look good?
Well if your primary focus is learning the basics of CSS here is the site perfect for that.
Learn step by step the basics of CSS and how to implement your code to your website.
There are also other resources on the site for your learning experience, but the site was made specifically for beginners in mind.
51. Learn To Code HTML & CSS (Shay Howe)
One more to bring us home with the HTML section.
Shay Howe has created a pretty cool and simple site for those wanting to learn HTML.
She has created a simple and easy to navigate site that gives you 12 lessons to follow in order for you to learn your basics in HTML and CSS.
She has outline the fundamentals all for free so go check it out, I think you will like it.
I might be a little bais in this section because I think the best language or really the language that really got me started in web development was javascript.
When you get a handle on how javascript works it really begins to be fun making websites and all the possibilities that you can do with web design, app development and overall a better experience.
52. Jquery.com
Jquery.com is the main home and domain for learning Jquery.
But what is Jquery?
Well it is a way to writing javascript a little easier.
It is called a library and it basically gives you the ability to shortcut writing javascript code.
Think of it as a bootstrap for javascript.
53. Learn JS
Another site that is dedicated to teaching the basics of javascript no matter what level you’re beginning with.
Go through their tutorials and you will be on your way to fully understanding the concepts of JS.
54. Eloquent Javascript
So if you like reading books then you definitely should check out this site.
I first heard of this book in a podcast but who knew they made it available online for you to read.
Take advantage of this free opportunity and brush up on your reading and learn some javascript today.
55. Javascript.com
So before I found this site I only knew of the book.
Actually its one of the books I swear by in this post and where I really got my feet wet in learning javascript.
I still go to this book as a reference so I would recommend which you can find on my resource page as well.
However, in the meantime you can learn javascript on their website.
Dive right in with their first challenge on the homepage and it takes you into a series of examples so you can see how javascript works and just progress from there.
The funny thing is this website has nothing to do with the book I read by Jon Ducket ^_^.
56. Javascript For Cats
Even with a weird name like this you can still gain an introduction to javascript with this site.
So if you like cats then you might enjoy learning javascript with these furry buddies.
57. Javascript30.com
So if you know some javascript already then this website will help solidify your learning of the programming language.
The creator Wes Bos created this as a way for developers to practice their javascript with cool and interesting projects.
This way you can see the capabilities javascript can do and learn simple to complex functions.
I have used this site personally and it can be hard at first but if you follow along and continue to practice them it will begin to make sense.
Frameworks and Libraries
So when it comes to learning how to code many developers have created ways to coding faster and store specific code so you don’t have to be reduntant or rather spend more time writing code.
Think of frameworks and libraries as shortcuts for developers. There are many out there but I will only mention a few that you can get started with.
Call me a little old fashion but I like to learn the old and traditional way so I can see what the framework does to change the code.
Most of these libraries or frameworks will be related to react.
58. Reactjs
React was one of the popular libraries I was hearing about when I was getting into web development.
I haven’t dabbled myself into react just yet because I have been focused on my javascript skills but I know that react is something I definitely want to check out.
Why not start with the main source itself.
59. React Armory
Here is another source if you want to learn react.
If I haven’t mentioned it before react is a javascript library that helps you build interfaces.
Therefore, if your ready to jump in and you feel you got some javascript down then you can get started here.
60. Scrimba.com
So I know if your reading this post you want to become or at least are interested in being a front end web developer.
Scrimba is a destinaition where you can begin that journey as well and they offer tutorials where you can learn the fundamentals especially on libraries like React.
For example they have a tutorial where you can learn to make a movie search app with react.
Check it out and learn some cool features of the library and explore the site for more learning opportunities.
61. Vuejs.org
Another popular framework similar to javascript react, but with a few slight differences.
Develop your new skills on this progressive and dynamic framework directly from Vuejs themselves.
62. Thinkster.io
The more you study web development you begin to see how many frameworks and coding languages you can learn.
I know it can be overwhelming and it still is for me when I see that there is so much you can learn.
But that also means that you can specialize in one language or framework specifically.
Which what I firmly believe which you can read about here.
However, on Thinkster you can explore many frameworks that are available and choose one to start learning.
You can even see which platform seems to speak to you most from a little research and start learning.
Learn Mobile App Development
Mobile development is still hot and I believe won’t be going anywhere any time soon.
In fact, we may not even have computers one day and only mobile devices.
So if app development is what you’re into or you want to create a cool game then check out these sources for doing just that.
63. Android Developers
Android fans and developers gear up and start learning what it takes to build your very own app for android.
Anything you want to know on, what’s the latest on android, this is the site to go.
64. Start Developing IOS Apps
If your a fan of apple like myself and want to create apps for iOS devices then definitely check it out here.
A basic introduction into the swift programming language.
65. Swift Documentation
Here is another option for the swift programming.
If you like to read the documentation, which is basically the manual for the programming language then definitely read up on this extensive document.
Most developers never read the manual so if you do you definitely will have done more than the average coder, which is my goal as well with this code.
Plus its free so why not?
Learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails for Free
So I personal don’t have any experience with Ruby On Rails but it is a programing language that many developers use for developing websites.
Therefore, I wanted to include a section for resources to learn that I found others have recommended as a good place to start.
66. Learn Ruby The Hard Way
Here you can get started by reading the book online, but there is a physical copy of the book that you can buy and gain access to the video content.
However, you definitely can get started with the free version online.
67. Rails For Zombies
Here is an introductory course with plurasight.
You can get started for free with a free trial but afterwards it is a paid course so if you like it then you definitely can continue with them.
68. Rails Tutorial
Another online book you can get started right from your browser.
Read the free full 14 chapter book online or you can also check out the other resources that the author Michael Hartl has created.
69. Ruby Koans
Venture on this quest of learning ruby with Koans as it walks you through each step and providing different problems and situations to test your knowledge and skills as you acquire this new language.
Learn with Koans and you will walk the path of enlightenment.
70. Ruby Monk
No matter what stage you’re at as an aspiring ruby developer the ruby monk will guide you from beginner to advance topics.
71. Ruby in 20 minutes
Want to learn ruby fast?
How about 20 minutes, that should be fast enough for you.
Check out this introduction to the programming language from the creators of ruby on rails and learn the basics as a beginner in less time than it takes to finishing your favorite series.
72. Rails Girls
This one goes out to the lady programmers out there.
When it comes to anyone who want to learn web development I have no bias here.
It’s actually pretty cool when I see woman developers and especially young girls wanting to learn code.
With that being said here is a site dedicated to empowering young ladies how to code and how to organize events for teaching ruby on rails.
73. Learnrubyonline.org
So if you want to learn ruby then look no further, theses guys actually put the goal in the name lol.
Start here to get your basic training into the language
74. Tutorialspoint.com
You can think of tutorialspoint as your one stop shop for almost anything tech related tutorials.
The homepage may be a little confusiing at first but a little exploring and you can find the section that teaches for free the ruby on rails program.
Don’t worry we took the liberty to point you directly to the ruby section so you won’t get lost like I did when I first got to their site.
Learn PHP for Free
If learning PHP is more of your style than you want to learn more about backend development as opposed to front end web development.
If that is the case here are some resources you can check out to get started.
75. Learn-php.org
Following along with the trend of learnruby.org and learnjavascript.org this site has dedicated a resource for the common programming languages for you to learn.
76. Phpbuddy.com
As PHP is more of a backend program your not gonna get the amazing design from this site.
However, you will get the introduction and the basics of understanding you need for what it is and how to use it.
77. Developphp.com
Equipped with the fundamentals, functions, and video tutorials, learn how to develop your PHP skills as well as other web dev programs you may be interested in.
78. PHP the right way
Learn to write PHP the right way as they strive to deter new developers bad practices of writing the language.
Get started with the easy to read reference guide on PHP and learn PHP the right way.
They also offer this guide in multiple languages if you’re interested in learning from a different country or you want to brush up on another language besides coding :D.
79. Killer PHP
So video is sometimes the best and quickest way to digest content and information, or some of us are just better visual learners.
Either way Killer PHP has a plethora of videos to learn this coding language for the young web developer.
Along with a blog to brush up on your PHP knowledge and the tech industry.
Learn Python For Free
For those new to the web development world python is a beast in itself, which is probably why the made the brand a snake lol.
Anyways, because I focus more on the main coding languages for web development HTML, CSS, and Javascript, therefore I wasn’t sure the possibilities with Python which led me to my quick search.
So if you want to learn a little bit about python skill crush has a great article breakdown the coding language and some of its more uses besides web development.
However, below I provided more websites you can find to get started with python.
80. A Byte of Python
Catch up with some reading on a byte of python which is an online book dedicated to teaching python for beginners.
81. Learn Python
An oldie but a goodie learnpython.org offers this section for learning python along side the other programming languages I mentioned earlier.
82. Learn Python The Hard Way
Another book to learn python which is not free but you can get started with this sample and coding exercises on their site.
83. The Python Foundations Beginners Guide
Get to know python with tons of resources available all from this site.
Think of this site as the wikipedia of python.
84. Pythonguide.org
Are you really looking for a quick guide to learning python?
Then hop on the hitchhikers guide to python and they will help cover all the basics you need to get started.
85. Real Python
Do you consider yourself a visual learner and love to see tons and tons of examples?
Well here you can do just that as they provide examples for whichever stage you consider yourself: beginner, intermediate or experienced developer.
86. Google Python Class
Well would you look at this google offers tutorials on python too.
I would hope they offer some type of development courses or training as the number 1 search engine in the world.
Learn WordPress For Free
Alright as a developer you can’t help but run into WordPress as it makes up 35% of the internet.
You’re going to have to learn how to manipulate WordPress in some way whether you’re working on a clients site or building your very own portfolio or blog.
BTW if you’re interested in getting started with one you can with this guide on how to start a blog here.
Nevertheless, WordPress uses the same coding languages along with PHP, but you can learn all about them in the following resources.
87. WordPress.tv
Welcome to WordPress.tv where you can find all your favorite shows on WordPress lol.
No but seriously if you want to get involved in wordpress you can watch many topics on this CMS platform as well as learning from the how to section to dive a little deeper.
The only downside I find with this site is there is no structure or filter to sort what videos to watch if your just starting or beginning.
It looks like a puzzle.
88. WP Beginner
I have used WP beginner many times when I had trouble with my blog and trust me this site will be your best friend when something doesn’t work right.
Therefore it is a great resource for learning almost anything about WordPress.
89. Joy of WP
Learn everything you need from A-Z about WordPress with Joy of WP.
This free 50 videos tutorial will guide you on what it takes to create your very own wordpress site.
I may know how to build a website but I haven’t built a fully functional WordPress site from code yet so I’m going to have to look into this one for building my own templates soon.
90. WordPress.com
When it comes to learning about WordPress why not go to the creators and learn from the best.
Need I say more?
91. Smashing Magazine
Not only is smashing magazine a great resource for design tutorials but they cover just about everything web and design related.
I mean why not, they should go together especially if you want to be a front end web developer, I think you should know a little about web design as well.
Therefore check out smashing’s tutorial on WordPress development.
Learn UI/UX Design
If you don’t know what UI or UX design is this basically means User Interface or User Experience.
This a field that is in great demand because understanding how to create websites along with apps you need to keep in mind how the user will interact with the product and is it easy to navigate.
This can make or break a website because if the user gets frustrated with the product its basically worthless.
Anyways, learning how UI or UX is great for any web developer so here are a few resources to get you started.
92. The Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction
Development is not only about coding but how the human mind works when it comes in contact with a computer.
If you can understand these concepts your designs and code can become even more efficient.
But you can read more about that on the encyclopedia of human computer interaction.
93. UXPin
Discover what makes great UX designs with this collection of free ebooks to get you started.
After you get an idea of good design you can then hop over to UXPin’s home page and use their software to create mockups.
94. UX Beginner
Alright here is where you can truly get started as a beginner as the creator Oz has laid out the steps and resources you need.
Learn Data Science
I think Data Science is another level to coding but as with anything with a little time and dedication anyone can learn these concepts.
And if that is you then here are few places to get your feet wet with the ever evolving Data Science.
95. Dataquest
Again we have another site that understands that sometimes the best way of learning is by doing.
Therefore their goal at dataquest is to teach the skills you need to learn either the coding languages R, Python, and SQL to help you get started as a beginner and land that data science role.
96. Springboard
Have you ever wondered how long it takes to learn to code?
If your willing to put in the time springboard will help prepare you within 6-9 months for a job in this tech industry with their part-time bootcamps.
I am an advocate that you don’t have to go crazy when learning a new subject but a little everyday will help get you to your goals.
Springboard was created this program with the goal of helping you to launch you into a job in this field.
Therefore the goal with these bootcamps are to pay only after you get a job if not…
it’s free.
Always be sure to read the fine print before doing anything, but this is an option for those who like the idea of bootcamps and I have heard of many programs that offer this type of incentive, no payment until you land a job.
97. Elite Data Science
With Elite they offer a free downloadable guide to help you get started learning.
They strive to focus on the essential skills you need to develop yourself in data science.
The best thing about opportunities like this are they are free so you can download them and see if it is a good fit for you.
And if they are, they do offer a course to help you get started with a new career.
Learn Machine Learning
Growing up I have always been fascinated by robots and who would have known that learning how to code can help me get closer to controlling these machines.
However, Machine Learning is much more than just controlling robots, but creating a system to help learn an adapt to their environment.
So if Machine Learning and learning AI (Artificial Intelligence) turns your gears then check out these resources.
98. Machine Learning Mastery
If you’re not a fan of the traditional academic teaching then your in luck as the creator, Jason, created this site to pass through the fluff and teach in a way developers learn best…
By writing code.
Download his free ebook and get started learning about machine learning the way it was intended to be learned.
99. Google Ai
Google has done it again and has provided a platform to learn machine learning directly from the largest search engine in the world…
When in reality they are more than just a search engine so why not learn from one of the industries best
Learn Cybersecurity
One of my favorite movies was Snowden with Joseph Gordon Levit which, without spoiling any of it for you who haven’t seen it, is about cybersecurity.
To sum it up with the introduction of technology and the internet we now have cyber threats and learning cyber security is a field in demand as well.
So if this interests you here is a way to get started.
100. Cybrary
If you want to prep yourself not only with the skills for a tech role but the skills for on the job training then you might be interested in cybrary insider pro.
They offer a 7 day free trial so you can check out some of the features and benefits they offer to prepare you for on the job training.
Learn Git/Github and The Command Line
Depending on your role as a web developer on what job you get, learning git and github can be beneficial as teams will work together to share their code through this network.
And the command line is a beast in itself, to me at least.
I have only attempted to use the command line a few times and failed but what I’ve seen what you can do with the command line is pretty cool.
And using is it makes me feel like a real hacker 😏.
Anyways, here are a few resources to jump into this topics that isn’t really talked about much.
101. Git Immersion
I couldn’t help but practically reference what Git Immersion says directly from there site and what they do…
“A guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git“
Need I say more?
102. Try Git
Github understands how hard it is to get started using Git and therefore has created this training guide to walk you through the ins and outs.
I know I need to check this out myself because I still don’t understand what git is and how to use it but I know many dev teams and open software is created using it.
103. Learn Enough Command Line To Be Dangerous
I enjoy this title because it tells me that I will learn the basics in order to effectively use the command line.
From the creator of ruby on rails, Michael Hartl, has created this online book to introduce beginners to the command line with just enough to be dangerous.
104. Command Line Power User
From the creator of syntax.fm and javascript30.com follow along with Wes Boss as he guides you with his video tutorials on using the command line.
From my experience with Wes Boss, his course and podcast, he knows what he’s talking about and breaks it down in simple ways for you to begin understanding the material…
If not you can always go back and watch it again
105. Conquering The Command Line
Catch up on some reading as Mark Bates offers a free book to read and learn how to finally conquer the dreaded command line.
Conclusion: How To Choose The Best Way To Learn How To Code
Wow that is a lot of resources and it’s awesome to know that there are so many different ways to get started in learning how to code.
Seeing so many can be overwhelming and when just learning it’s good to test and try which programs you feel more comfortable with or would like to learn more.
My only advice after discovering which coding language you like more, I would say to try and focus on 1 until you have a good understanding of it.
I would even say to specialize in it if you really want to stand out like I mention in my post about experts.
But once you understand the basics you can then move on to the harder stuff and even invest in yourself which is always the best return on investment, especially if your looking at this as a career.
But I think that’s it for now.
I hope you find this very useful and if there is anything that you would like to know let me know and I will do my best to help.