39 Simple Javascript Project Ideas Perfect For Beginners

March 14, 2021

Do you want to learn javascript and are looking for some simple javascript project ideas to get you on your way?

One of the first coding languages that you need to learn to code if you want to be a front end web developer is javascript.

I know it can seem overwhelming sometimes but I wanted to create some fun and valuable resources that can help you on your way.

These projects can be fun and practical.

I know when I was getting started javascript was the hardest language to get a grasp.

However, with some of these resources I provided you can find plenty of other tools there to help build your next project or simply get started.

So here are 39 simple projects you can get started with today.

39 Simple Javascript Project Ideas For Coding Beginners

1. Menu Icon

Ever wanted to create your very own menu icon from scratch, which is sometimes called the hamburger menu?

Now you can with this simple guide along with the source code and you'll surprised how easy it to build.

Menu Icon

2. Off Canvas Menu

I used this tutorial personlly when I wanted to create a menu off screen.

You know when you click a button and the menu slides in from the side of the screen and when you close disappers off screen.

Now you can learn how this feature is done.

Off Canvas Menu

3. Download Button

Ever wanted to create a download button where you can offer visitors the opportunity to download a special gift.

Learn how to create a button and then the feature for an automatic download.

Download Button

4. Contact Form

This one may seem a little more complex but just follow the code and you will be able to build your own Contact form.

A key essential to all websites.

Contact form

5. To Do List

We all have things to do and need a way to keep record if and when we did them now you can build your own and learn the behind the scenes to what makes these apps tick.

To Do List

6. Filter List

Filter are absolutely amazing when you need to find something in a big list. Now you can be a master coder with knowing how to code your own.

Filter List

7. Portfolio Gallery

So this one I think can hit home with a lot of beginning developers. As your learning how to code and building projects how cool would it be to create your own portfolio page.

Give this tut a try and design your own portfolio.

Portfolio Gallery

8. Quiz

Learn how to create your own quiz and build amazing projects to test others intelligence.

This was one of the first types of projects I wanted to learn how to do with javascript. its probably one of the most basic functions any beginner can learn from.


9. Maze Game

You can even learn to create simple games to complex but this game should give you a good start to get your hands dirty.

Maze Game

Bonus: 30 Days of Javascript

So if your ready to up your level of javascript then here is a bonus section i have personally used by the creator Wes boss.

the co creator of the podcast Syntax.fm.

He created a free 30 day javascript course where he alks you through 30 cool projects to help beef up your javascript skills.

I will warn you some projects are a little advanced but if you hang in there, follow along, and practice you will get there.

30 Days of Javascript

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