Are you looking for the perfect tech game or coding toys for kids to teach your kids how to code?
We can’t hide the fact that tech is all around us.
As time goes by it seems that tech and science are becoming very important to learn, especially for kids.
I remember when the only languages we had to learn in school were either Spanish or French.
But now the language of computers is the new age.
That is why I wanted to create a resource for parents, or teachers, who are looking to introduce their children into the world of tech in a fun and innovative way.
This coding toys for kids list is perfect for parents or use it as the perfect gift guide and resource.
I may have not tried every single one of these coding toys or games but from my experience I wish my mom had introduced me into something that could have potentially changed my life, or at least changed my perspective which you can find out more here.
So if you’re like me and want to prepare the kids for the future in some way then check out these cool tech toys for kids below.
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15 Games and Coding Toys For Kids
1. Bitsbox

Bitbox is basically “code in a box”.
This game actually excites me because it makes coding simple for kids to follow.
And I will say as an adult I think coding should be taken from the approach of a kid for the best practice of learning.
Receive this kit and each card provides a project that you and your kids can follow along and create their first coding project.
2. Botley the Coding Robot

Learn to code with Botley and operate him screen free.
All coding doesn’t require a computer screen and you can achieve that with Botley.
Ready to play right out of the box kids will begin the basics of programming as Botley operates around different obstacles
3. Robot Building Kit

If you want to be a little more hands on then get your hands on this bot.
With the idea of legos and Knex in mind build your robot and program it to do what you want.
4. Robot Building Kit

You had bitbox and now we have compter in a box lol.
Check out this cool prepacked kit that teaches computer programming without the need of a computer as well.
This kit includes multiple experiments that your kids can build from binary necklaces, mazes, and encryption devices.
Why couldn’t science sound cool when I was growing up, maybe because it wasn’t computer science.
5. Elenco Teach Tech

Check this guy out.
A robot that can play soccer huh?
He may not be able to play soccer like Ronaldo but your kids can still have fun.
Build this robot and start playing a little soccer while your kids can gain the basics into mechanical engineering and how to code to programming this little guy.
6. Artie 3000

Have you ever heard of Artie 3000?
Artie which represents his function of drawing follows your direction which is the code that you give him to follow.
You learn to code and Artie draws what you want him to.
With beginners in mind and preprogrammed guides you can follow along and see how code works together with machines
7. Coding and Robotics

Here is a simple puzzle game that gives kids another introduction to robotics and code without the need of computer.
Learn about sequences, functions, and variables which are the fundamentals to all coding languages.
8. Osmo

The Osmo.
Adaptable to iPad or Kindle fire, this game will introduce your little ones to coding through game play and fun music.
It includes 3 types of games for kids to learn the basics of coding as you control the fun character and game called Coding Awbie.
Then learn about loops and patterns while they make musical beats and rhythm with the game Coding Jam and finally solve puzzles individually or as a group with the game CodingDuo.
9. Code-a-pillar

Cute and fun right?
Except you don’t have to worry about the fuzzies on this caterpillar.
Each section includes a different action so every time your child plays with it it can do a different action based on the sequence of order.
It may take some thinking to get the caterpillar to perform a specific task or reach a specific destination, but that’s what learning is all about right?
10. Ciro Solar Robot

So it’s not quite Legos but it is solar powered.
With this toy you are able to create up to 12 different models and can even play with them on land or water.
Of course since this is solar powered you can save money on buying those pesky batteries.
Even though this may not have much coding involved your kids will learn the art and science of engineering skills and robotics…
Which at the end of the day coding is a form of computer engineering which engineers are simply problem solvers.
Develop problem solving skills within your children with this solar powered robot.
11. Code and Go Robot Mouse

Here is another game that introduces kids to coding off screen but the twist is with a mouse lol.
Create a maze for this mouse to get the cheese and then they have to program the mouse to navigate through the maze in order to win.
Sounds like a simple challenge right, but doesn’t it always sound easier than done.
At least their focus will be on winning the cheese but they also receive the benefit of learning some code too.
12. Lego Boost

You can’t leave out the classics which I grew up on myself…
In fact, I remember playing with legos in school in order to learn some basics of robotics.
Tinkering around and putting together different pieces to see what we can come up and plugging it into the computer in order to operate it…
But now they introduced coding into the mix along with new tech of iPads.
It seems Legos are here to stay so why not learn how to code with everlasting Lego brand.
13. Coding and Robotics

So this may be recommended for kids 6 and up but you will begin to see that this little guy applies to older kids as well.
Use your app to code different functions you want the Dash to perform.
Kids seem to love playing with the dash as they see their work come to life.
They will also learn subjects such as loops, events and conditions which are crucial in any coding program.
14. Robot Turtles

So when I first saw this I wasn’t sure how board games can teach kids how to code, but the more I looked into I think it’s absolutely genius at least fun if anything.
When you dive into this game your kids will begin to learn the basic functionalities how a computer follows directions with playing cards.
As they write the code (use the cards) the computer (you the adult) moves the turtle based on their code to get to the gem.
A definitely cool game to play if you want to learn how writing code operates and for game night as well.
15. Star Wars The Force Coding Kit

If you’re a fan of Star Wars then I think you might like this option of teaching your kids how to code.
This kit includes a sensor which you build and then you learn to program different functions so the sensor can operate different objects such as the light saber or clones.
A fun and innovative way to show how code and sensors can work together.
So there you have it 15 coding toys that can help introduce your kids to coding and computer science.
These toys also make a great addition to any STEM program you are trying to introduce your kids to.
We hope this list helps you and serves you for your teaching tech needs as we try to provide resources who ever desires to learn or teach code.