The future belongs to the entrepreneurs

3 reasons why you need a website for the digital economy (without spending $538,903 on a small business loan)

Discover the new business model to learn valuable skills, Create an online Presence, & build something your proud of

Behind every impossible achievement is a dreamer of impossible dreams.
Robert K. Greenleaf

Things aren’t the same

Nobody wants to get left behind

Are you ready?

82% out of 1.13 billion websites are inactive.

That means only 18% of websites online are visited and maintained.

These numbers sound like a lot but when you really look at them many are not taking advantage of the time we live in.

Becoming apart of the 18% gives you the ability to literally standout among billions.

But before I go on a rant sharing my thoughts lets see if you should keep reading.

Do you relate to any of the bullet points below if not, no worries you can leave this page

    • You want to start a business but not sure where to begin
    • You want to learn a high value skill that will benefit you in the future
    • You hate how everything is made with so many restrictions and want to create a product that actually makes sense and provides value to others and not just make a quick buck
    • You want to know how this internet and creating website thing really works
    • You want to have full control over what you build without limitations what you can do
    • You have been thinking about getting a website but not sure why
    • You hate the idea of not living up to your full potential 

Theres so much more but by now you should know if owning your website and creating a future for yourself is worth it to you.  

The greatest asset

An investment that has no limit

And there is more opportunity than ever

Hey I’m Courey

I’m a developer.

But that describes more than just my coding skills because I believe we all have the ability to develop ourselves to be creative and own our own business. That’s why I like to share business insights, tools and resources that help solve problems, and personal development tips all in order to help create a better you and business. 

I remember like it was yesterday.

I was in college and a friend told me I should create my own website.

I had no idea what that meant for me but I thought it would be cool to have my own website. Somewhere I could put my art projects up.

Over the years I learned 3 things why a website is important

1) We live in the Digital Age 

I didn’t realize and understand this till recently but we truly live in a digital age right now.

Before it was the Industrial Age but now since the invent of the internet everything has shifted online and with the aid of technology the idea of creation has sped up 10x times faster and now more then ever.

Literally the whole world is connected by the internet.

I really had the epiphany when I was reading a book and facebook was mentioned within the story and in that moment I knew that I was living in what will be considered as history one day and we have the opportunity to be apart of it and create something memorable.

2) Every business needs a website

It doesn’t matter what you do, you need to have some form of online presence.

Let me ask you a question, when you hear about a new store, restaurant or some interesting fact, what’s the first thing you usually do? 

More than likely you turn to google and look it up.

I hate when I want to know something about somebody and I can’t find nothing, especially if you’re a business, 

then I have to rely on others information.

However, whatever it is, someone has written about it and has an answer.

People want to know more about you if they find interest and if you’re not telling them, someone else is.

There are plenty of websites out there that their business is to report and inform about other businesses.

If you’re trying to create something now and let your work be known its critical to have an online presence.

So here’s the question, who do you want to talk about you, or would you rather have them come to the source and find out directly from you and your business.

3) It’s the greatest investment you can make in yourself

Having a website was one of the greatest investments I made for myself.

Now let me explain when I say an investment because I am not only referring to money. Having my own website eventually led me to learning how to code.

The idea of a website peaked my curiosity and I wanted to learn how this whole internet and website thing worked.

What I realized is that I learned a valuable skill that led me to getting a better job that paid more, and it wasn’t how to code, but learning how to problem solve.

You see the best investment in yourself is personal development. So wanting to become better at building a website increased my value not only for myself but for helping others.

However, if I were to go back the one investment I would have told myself is to treat my website as a business. 

Your rewards are in direct proportion to your contribution and service in life
Earl Nightingale

How it works

99% of people have it wrong

Its not hard to learn and build

What has having my own website done for me?

One of the most important things I’ve learned was not the ability to code but what I learned about myself.

What I thought was hard was only a matter of asking questions and taking the time to understand the individual concepts of building a website.

The ability to solve problems from the simple desire to finding out how something works. I found this skill to be transferable in all areas of my life. 

In fact, I am able to use that skill everyday at work because I have created a process for myself to breakdown a problem, find a solution, and learn how to implement it.

Just by learning how to read complicated jargon and what to do when I don’t understand gave me a leg up on things. 

It feels like finding a cheat skill for life. 

So why host your own website?

First let me explain really quickly the idea of hosting a website if it’s a new concept.

Think of having a website as buying a new home.

The house is the website and in order to build that house you need some land to place it on.

A web host is digital land for that home and your domain name is your home address how people find you.

So just like a house you have the land (web host), the home (website) and an address (domain name).

This concept alone helped me to understand how websites work.

It goes for the same thing if your website was a business, you need somewhere for people to go if you want to offer your services.

These concepts alone changed my perspective of how to build a website and how the web works.

So continuing with the real estate metaphor, having my own website allowed me be an owner and not a renter.

There are many services out there that allow you to rent their home (web hosting) and build on it but at the end of the day its not yours.

The problem with that is they can evict you at anytime.

It’s their rules so they can do whatever they want. That is why I am an advocate of building and having your own to create the way you like it.

Its the same idea as being an entrepreneur and building your own business. It is your responsibility to take ownership of the things in your life.

One thing I realized in life is everything sucks in some way, whether its restrictions on a product or service, bad design, or bad user experience.

If I don’t like something I learned I have the choice to either use it or change it and make it better the way I find valuable. 

Its rare to find something valuable but when I do that’s when I know somebody has taken the time not just to think about themselves, but others.

All this I learned from learning to build my own websites.

It gave me a new skill that taught me how to think when I approach learning something new or building something 

Heres what I do:

    • I first ask myself how does this thing work
    • I look at the project and ask what is it I want to do or build
    • I break down problems into smaller sizes and look for solutions others may have come up with
    • I try to learn from what people have built previously and is it something I can replicate
    • If I build this, does it solve a problem I have and is this something I would use regularly?
    • If I create this would it make sense using it and will others find it easy to use no questions asked
    • Will it leave an impression as this is a great product or experience

That is the foundation I have learned and built for myself when I learned to build a website.

I want to share the idea that you need to think of yourself as a business and looking for the best ways to invest in yourself to create more value not only for yourself but can be beneficial to others.

Taking ownership and responsibility is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and will change your whole perspective.

Just taking the time to learn how a simple website works and learning how to run your own home and business is life changing.

You don’t need to learn code or even build the website yourself from scratch. You can buy themes and learn to customize a theme.

That alone will give you so much knowledge how to create a website, and learning how to code gives you even more ability to control.

Having control gives me peace of mind and something no one can take a way from me.

But the first step before even learning how to code is putting up your first website and that is want to help you understand.

A new life results from a few disciplines practiced everyday.
Jim Rohn

What’s inside

From novice to expert with no coding

A simple approach to web development

So what do you get if you decide to make this investment and buy web hosting for yourself. 

1) Standout and look professional

They say never judge a book by its cover but the opposite of that is true because we always do and first impressions last a lifetime.

So imagine if your website was the first impression people have of you. You get to share and represent who you are and what you’re like online.

Or imagine you’re out at an event and the host needs your email address to send you some information. What if the email you provide is for your website or online business.

You have just given yourself a leg up over 90% of individuals which can lead to questions of them wanting to know what you do and can even lead to a potential customer who needs your service.

You see websites can open doors.

2) Unbelievable support team

Its not always easy navigating a new terrain and in this you will have trouble in some way but its always nice to know there is someone to help you out in need.

I know I have when I felt stuck when I couldn’t figure it out myself.

That’s why I love the web host provider I use.

No matter what, they were available 24/7 and I called a little after 12am because I was having trouble setting up my domain name with my email account and they were there to help me.

BAM! Issue resolved.

3) Become technically sophisticated 

The best part about getting web hosting is becoming technically sophisticated.

Technical sophistication is the ability to solve technical problems by way of research and implementation.

I don’t know about you but I enjoy learning new things and when you learn how to navigate in this new territory you’re doing 2 things…

    1. you are developing yourself as a problem solver and
    2. educating yourself in the world of computers and the internet.

We live in the digital age and we communicate by way of the internet.

Having a simple understanding of how the backend works (and how to create one) gives you a technical advantage.

Whether it’s getting a new job or creating a new business for yourself.

At the end of the day you have a new skill that no one can take from you and is highly valuable. 

So if you know how to operate and do things online, let alone build yourself, you have a technical advantage over 90% of the population because…

you actually know what’s going on behind the curtain and can navigate through what others may see as murky waters.

That’s all?

The most rewarding (and impactful) portfolio

You will look forward to sharing with others

The foundation of a website built on web hosting will give you the understanding how to navigate in this digital age.

Also available to you is the unlimited support and resources available to help you when you’re feeling lost or stuck.

Lastly you will develop yourself into a highly technically sophisticated person who is not afraid to take on technical problems but can solve them with resolve.

That’s all good but I like to share more resources that will help in your success.

Here are 4 bonuses that I created to help you get your first website up fast, speed up the learning phase, and develop technical skills.

Free Professional email with gmail

Imagine having your own professional email with your own domain attached. I’ve attached a simple guide how to create one.

So you can have your name or a generic like [email protected]

Create your first landing page

Learn how to build your very first website with this link in bio landing page. Add all your socials and special links you want visitors to go while you develop your website into your future product.

WordPress installation Guide

WordPress can be tricky when you first learn it but that’s why I created this guide to help you get through the steps quickly and the tools and plugins you need to run your website efficiently.

free Astra theme Guide

Discover how you can easily create an amazing website with a Free wordpress theme.

The exact same theme I use to build out my website, and you won’t even need any code to build it.

My guarantee

Its a peace of mind

It's really your choice

If you are reading this and made it this far then it must mean you are really interested in building a website…

or you want to know how to start your own business.

Which can both be thought of as one in this digital economy.

With that being said I am not here to force you to do anything.

I am sharing my personal experience and why I find that an investment like this is highly valuable and can change the rest of your life if you are committed to it.


1) Personal responsibility is key to me. I believe it is your responsibility to make the change you want to see in your life. So if you’re willing to dedicate some time to develop yourself and building an online business, it’s your choice.

2) No regrets. Do you really want to look back a year from now and wish you started on something while others are making progress and an income on something they wanted to do. 

Look I know life can suck sometimes and we have to put things on pause to focus on other things. But what if this one thing lead to a huge impact on your life and income.

Let me ask you how much do you spend on monthly entertainment subscriptions like Netflix or Disney+, or you may like Spotify or an educational product like duolingo.

I’ll gladly pay the price of $20 a month if I know I can use that money to create a better future for myself.

So for the price of less than $10/month you can have something that billions have neglected and create a business that can literally pay for itself 10 times over.

Start today

Join 1,000,000+ creators who own their own website today

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In the end who knows where we will be in the next 5-10 years but one thing I do know is that technology will play a role.

The ability of learning how to navigate through this digital age will give you an advantage.

Another thing I believe is that you cannot replace creativity and authenticity.

You have something to create and share with the world why not take the first step build and discover the potential you have inside you.

I have and millions of others are too.

Will you join me?

Web Hosting


Pull back the curtain and truly discover how the world wide web works and create your own world.

✔️ Learn how to create an online presence in this digital age.

✔️ Become technically sophisticated by learning how websites work.

✔️ Develop a skill that is transferable to all endeavors

✔️ Make an investment in yourself that will last a lifetime

✔️ Bonus my personal guide on creating your very first landing page

✔️ Bonus a guide to installing WordPress on your new web host

✔️ Bonus how to install and customize your first WordPress theme

Got questions?

Here’s a few answers

Make sure this is something you really want.

1) Do I need to know how to code?

Coding gives you the ability to give you more control on the design and functionality of your website.

Which is why I learned how to code in the first place. But you don’t need it to build a website. You can use a free theme like the one I provide and build a great website and design without it.

2) How much will this really cost me?

I want to be as transparent as I can, hosting providers will try to get as much as they can from you and most add-ons you don’t need.

But if you want to save you can pay $60 (4.95 a month) for a years worth of hosting (or you can stick to the 12.95 a month -) and since the domain is free for a year you only pay for the hosting. 

3) How long will it take to build my first website?

Honestly if you follow my instructions you can get a simply landing page done within 3-4 hours give or take the installation times. But you can do this in no time on a Saturday afternoon.

4) How do I get the bonuses?

To get the bonuses go to this page and you can download the resources for FREE here.

Even if you don’t go with the hosting provider I suggest you can still get my resources for free and use them to build your own website. 

Have more questions shoot me an email with the subject “web hosting” and I’ll get it answered. Email me here.


Disclaimer: this page contains an affiliate link, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you.