5 Step Formula For Writing Better Scripts

I recently been studying how to write better stories and through that process I wanted to learn how create scripts for my stories.

I’ve come across a few resources that layout a template or a formula to get started.

Telling stories are a great way to capture attention, help teach and explain something, and make something memorable.

In the age of the internet it seems video is everything but the core of it all is writing.

So below are my notes from one video and one format of how to write a script in order to create a video.

This is not the only way but it is a starting point.

Step 1: Title Thumbnail alignment

The content must align with your title and thumbnail because it sets expectations for your video  

Expectations must be met in the first 5 seconds or viewers will click off your video 

Goal is to create your TNT first and then ask yourself these 2 questions…

  1. What expectations is my TNT giving? 
  2. What reason to watch this video did I just give?

What do people want to know when they click this video?

Come up with a series of questions and then pick the top 3 to form your script 


Create your TNT and then find the top 3 most important/interesting questions

Step 2: Creating your hook

Part 1

The start of your video (which is the opening sentence) 

The start of your video is the biggest drop off and you can increase retention just by creating a better hook. If you increase the retention in the beginning it will increase the overall video 

There are 3 hooks that you can use

  1. Question Hook: what people want the answer to
    1. Ex: have you ever wondered…
  2. Context Hook
    1. When you drop the viewer in the height (middle) of your video/story
  3. Statement Hook
    1. A shocking statement as soon as the click, can be controversial but you back it up

Part 2

This is where you give the context of your video and exceed the expectations set by your TNT,

So how do you provide context? – use the 3 interesting questions you came up with from the TNT section

Answer the questions in a few sentences… 


So once you’ve answered the 3 questions that you came up from the TNT its time to really create fire by overdelivering on the expectations.

So they get what they thought of when they saw the TNT but then they get even more

The earlier you can exceed their expectations you will blow them away and the longer they will stay to watch

How to over deliver expectations…

  1. Show the effort you put into the video
  2. Free download (they get something from the video)
  3. credibility 

Step 3: Scripting the video

Usually a list format helps to keep your viewers longer, so create the content around a list of the points you are going to be addressing 

Its important how you deliver these points, don’t just state the point right out

The best way is giving them a payout: when the audience gets the answer they been waiting for and the best youtubers give the answer at the end and not at the start

How to setup the payout:

Re-hook > Tell a story > Payout

To transition into the main content you can layout the reason why you made the content, why it works, or just laying out the main story into your main points, you can even show examples here.

Basically its another hook intro into the main section

Step 4: The relink hack

You want to direct viewers to another one of your videos to keep them on the platform

So at the end you just don’t just say thanks but use another hook to guide to another one of your videos 
