As I stared at my screen in the middle of the dark room with only my computer providing me light.
I didn’t realize how dark it was but I didn’t care, I was on the hunt and this is what I typed…
“How to code from scratch?”
Those were the exact words I first looked up on google when I first started looking up how to make a website.
I had just finished a web design project and the frustrations of some of the customizations my client was asking for really bothered me.
It bothered me because I didn’t know how to do them and I felt limited to what I could do.
But where do I begin?
The fact is I had no idea how to make a website and these were the closest words I could think of.
I’m glad it worked out because if memory serves me right I think it lead me to the website codecademy and my journey began.
One source led to another and before I knew it I had a plethora of resources.
When I first started learning the world of code I wasn’t sure what I was looking for except I knew I wanted some good sources to start.
I later found out that what I was seeking to become was known as a web developer.
Yet, I did not know what that entailed and then I discovered that “Front End Web Development” was the track I should be on.
What this meant was I would be able to create websites with the viewer, or user, in mind.
In other words, I had control over how the site would look when a visitor comes to a site…
The Front End.
Get it?
I would not only get to learn how to design the website, but actually write the code to create the design.
But I didn’t know what code was needed to make this happen.
Again I needed to know exactly which code was used.
Through further research I found that the 3 primary languages for making websites were HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Ok great.
First step done, check.
I now knew what I needed to study, but again another problem came up…
Where should I start?
That’s what lead me to writing this post now.
Some of you are looking where to get started and don’t know where or how just like me.
But don’t don’t worry…
That’s where I come in.
With so many choices out there from bootcamps to online courses and all the books, which ones are a good option?
I’ll be honest, all those above choices are great if you choose one and stick to them, but picking which one can be the trouble.
Therefore, I want to address just one of the ways that you can learn how to code and it’s how I really got started before I dived deep into any courses.
And that’s with Books.
Books are a great way to get started especially since they are inexpensive and you can always have one hand if you ever need it to reference anything.
I enjoy reading books and believe everyone should have a good book on hand.
With that being said, I have found a couple of books that I am constantly going back to and they have truly been the foundation of my journey into this world of code.
My goal is that they can be to you what they were, and still are for me.
The following are the 3 books that got me started.
Again, I highly recommend these books because they gave me a great foundation of the coding languages along with some practical steps to improve your learning.
So let’s get started shall we…
*Disclaimer- This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you.
3 Books On Coding For Beginners
1. JavaScript For Kids by Nick Morgan
I was fed up…
Fed up that I was 27 and still stuck in the same dead end job barely scraping by with a paycheck that could hardly afford my bills.
What made matters worse was I had a roommate to help supplement the bills, but it still wasn’t enough and I simply had enough.
I not only wanted to make more money, but I wanted to feel like the work I did was valuable and worth my time.
I wanted to feel valuable and use my mind for my work and not my hands for the back breaking work with little to no pay.
So I set out on a journey.
I put it my week of vacation and booked a ticket to Chicago to visit a friend and vowed to really start learning how to code.
I knew if I got away I would be able to focus and my friend completely understood and would give me the space.
But I needed a plan.
So I did the first thing I could think of…
Headed to the book store.
I wanted to get a book so I not only had something to read on the plane but something to have offline as opposed to just looking for something online, since I liked to read anyways.
As I walked into Barnes and Nobles I went to the computer section and it was there I found this book…
I was looking for a beginner friendly book that I felt was an easy start and didn’t make feel too dumb, which is why I left that other book with the title dummies in it alone.
I figured if the author could explain coding to kids then this should be a good start for me.
Once I cracked open the book I couldn’t put it down.
I finished the book in that week and I had a clear introduction of the coding language javascript and how it works with the web and creating websites.
I was hooked and wanted more…
What You Will Learn From This Book
Don’t let the name fool you, this book is a great place to start for beginners.
Because the audience is geared towards kids, the author, Nick Morgan, explains foundational concepts in a way that can be easily understood.
You’ll start off with the definition of what JavaScript is along with references to see how you can use JavaScript in fun and interactive ways.
Each chapter builds upon itself from simple to more complex ideas.
After you learn what javascript is each chapter you go through helps to solidify the fundamentals of the coding language known as javascript.
You’ll learn what a variable is, to the famous programming operation of functions and even arrays.
What’s great about this book are the examples.
The examples are great because they are portrayed and demonstrate bite size kid friendly activities in order for you to see how the code works.
You are then able to see exactly how the code javascript plays a role with the other coding language HTML.
When you can see how they work together you will be amazed how the internet works.
He doesn’t dive into any CSS here since the book really focuses on Javascript but CSS will come later after you get a basic understanding of Javascript and HTML down.
However, as you progress further into the book and build on the bite size projects and examples you’ll get deeper until you reach the end.
At the end of the book you will learn to build your very own snake game like the one that was on the old Nokia phone back in the day.

Retro right?
I keep this book close by whenever I need a refresher or if I am trying to give an example of how to code in a simple way.
So if you want an easy book to get started and learn things like
- what javascript is
- how it relates to websites
- the fundamentals of the language
- and how HTML and Javascript work together
Then this is a must have in your coding library.
I think any beginner should start here with this book.
2. JavaScript and JQuery by Jon Duckett
So if Javascript for kids was a great book for beginners then this is like the intermediate level.
I’m not really sure how I found this book but I think I was on instagram and I kept seeing other coders in the online community kept talking about this book.
I figured if everyone kept swearing by it then I had to check it out myself.
Now when I got this book and read it, it instantly became my favorite book for learning how to code with JavaScript.
Even though I said it was intermediate level, it was made for beginners in mind.
I only say that because the previous book was like a simple introduction, but this book is a little different.
It dives much deeper into the language along with more advanced functions and operations.
When I first started learning Javascript, which is much different than learning how to code HTML or CSS because learning this thing called functions and trying to have it all work together without errors can be frustrating.
Yet, as I started to read this book my mind began to open and I began to see the big picture.

Things just began to click in my brain.
You can think of this book as your javascript manual as it thoroughly breakdowns the world of coding and JavaScript.
I really enjoyed how Jon explains what scripts are, which are simply instructions a computer can follow, and how they relate to JavaScript.
It’s funny because it never occurred to me to look up what “scripts” are.
After reading just the introduction of this book and learning what scripts are I realized that coding really is like learning a new language.
As with any new language you need to learn the vocabulary of that specific language, which in this case is called syntax.
Then when you learn the syntax and how to structure it you can now speak the language of the computer.
Furthermore, Jon gives great real world examples how JavaScript and computers relates to the world around us.
Every time I pick this book up it seems like I find something new within a concept that I didn’t see before.
That’s when I knew that learning how to code would be fun for me.
So why should you get this book?
Well, first if you want a great overview and breakdown of all that javascript has to offer then my recommendation is to get this book.
The chapters are laid out easily for you to build on each other.
So it’s really easy to follow and it teaches the entire framework of JavaScript and JQuery and even advanced techniques such as AJAX, which I’m still trying to get a hold of.
It also comes with a website for resources so you can see the code live from the examples in the book.
Definitely a good book to keep and reread over and over again.
3. The Complete Software Developer’s Career Guide by John Sonmez
Now to finish up this short list I wanted to end with this book.
This book is an absolute must have if you want to get into any business or job in software development or coding.
After I decided to make a shift in my career I needed to learn how to do that.
Listening to my podcasts, researching online, and consuming everything I could about web development…
I stumbled upon this guy named John Sonmez on YouTube.
He wrote a book about exactly what I was looking for…
How to make a transition into the tech industry.
It’s like he knew what I was looking for.
It was a great find because he wasn’t just someone writing a book to write one but he was a developer himself and he had been in my shoes.
I knew I had to get this book for myself if it was going to help me get to the next stage in my life.
Now his book won’t teach you how to code, but it will teach you where and how to get started, especially if you’re looking to make that transition.
I had no idea where to begin and this book answered it all.
No seriously it answered questions I didn’t even know I had.
John dives deep into topics such as..
- What is software development
- What languages you should study if you’re trying to get a specific job
- The types of jobs you can apply for
- Soft skills
- How to develop your portfolio
- And so much more…
Did I mention he really dives deep?
I won’t lie, when I received the book I thought I got a text book because of how thick it was, but the amount of information in there was priceless.
Oh and don’t worry it’s not filled with techno babble, information you won’t understand, but it’s really an easy read…
Just the way I like it.
I have no regrets about buying this book.
In fact, it really did help me transition into a new job because I applied some of the tactics to prepare myself.
For example, in preparing yourself to get into the tech field he teaches simple marketing tactics that you can use to help build, not only your portfolio, but your online presence.
Which is kind of important as a developer.
After reading this book you will feel more confident and better prepared.
So again this book will not teach you how to code per se, but rather how to become a better developer.
John also has a lot of great videos and blog posts about business and software development if you are looking for more great info.
check out his youtube channel here 👈🏼.
Another reason I enjoy his content is because John breaks the stereotype of what software developers look like, which is usually a nerd with glasses like from revenge of the nerds…

Ironically I wear glasses, shout out to the four eyes crew 🤓.
However, every coder is different and you don’t have to fit in this stereotype to become a developer.
After watching a few of his videos there is no doubt that John takes care of his health and works out too.
I enjoy that because I like to think of myself as an advocate of breaking social stereotypes.
So if you want to know how to really prepare yourself for a career change or what coding language best describes you then…
This definitely would be a great resource to put on your list.
So these you have it…
The 3 main books that I keep in my coding library.
If you want to become a web developer one thing you will learn is…
Always have references you can go back to.
When I was first learning how to code I thought real developers can just build anything from their mind.
Boy was I wrong.
As I studied and immersed myself in the coding community I found that even the well experienced developers still look up things too.
That’s a relief right?
So don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed that you constantly have to go back to something to build a project.
The only way you get better is with practice and the best way you can practice learning how to code is…
you have to actually write code.
Not just copy it.
Even though that can be a good way for beginners to practice too.
But I think that about wraps it up for now.
Those are my favorite 3 books to learn how to code for beginners.
There are other books out there I would like to explore and if you want to see some of them then be sure to check out my resources page.
You will not only find other books on web development, but on self development.
I also included other helpful tools that helped me to grow.
However, for now these books was a good start for me and I think it will be for you too.
If you want to get started today while you wait or do more research on these books than I created a basics guide for javascript to get you going…